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3 method feeder ob free download
By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and 3 method feeder ob free download email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Sachin Singh. A short summary of this paper. Goswami Abstract—A new method for optimal feeder routing in radial dis- of variables exist, one has to balance between the time spent in tribution system planning has been reported in this paper.
This determining the minimum value against the time spent in going method harnesses the efficacy of the bacterial foraging technique ahead with further branching. Obviously, a good starting point for solving combinatorial optimization problems with faster con- vergence and enhanced probability to achieve a global optimum can reduce computational time; moreover, a linear approxima- solution of the distribution planning problem.
In this new planning tion of the variable costs is required. Excessive solution time method, bacterial foraging technique is used in a different way so has been reported as the number of binary variable increases that it does not require tuning of all parameters. The planning al- [3], [4]. Recently, some works using GAs, simulated annealing, and The result of test cases reflects the 3 method feeder ob free download of this new planning technique in optimizing the network structure.
Besides having a greater Index Terms—Algorithms, load-flow analysis, networks, opti- chance to achieve better results, there are scopes for a detailed mization methods, power distribution planning. The potential of the GA is shown in comparison with the HE aim of any distribution system planning is to achieve T the best way to connect demand locations with substations so that demand is met at minimum cost, satisfying technical and classical technique in [5] and [6].
In GA, the length of binary strings representing the integer variables becomes high, even for medium-size networks and, therefore, this leads to an extremely physical constraints of the considered system. As distribution system planning problem is one of the oldest The SA technique is applied to solve the problem [7]. An research topics in a apower system, a number of planning initial solution is generated first by the steepest descent method. Among the traditional solution methods, Thereafter, the initial network is modified by feedef a new the most popular one is the mixed integer linear programming randomly selected branch and subsequently the newly formed MILP [1], [2].
The first step to solve 3 method feeder ob free download is to ignore the mesh is opened by removing a branch identified by a random integer restrictions on variables and solve it as an LP problem selection process again. Each move follows a full load flow to with the Simplex method [3].
The solution obtained by solving check the effect of inclusion of a new branch in the network. 3 method feeder ob free download set of violated freee obtained by movement of ants from one node to another, variables is then modified, and the problem is solved by two where each free is decided by the magnitude of pheromone methods commonly called: 1 the cutting plane смотрите подробнее and 2 accumulated in different paths and a heuristic guide function.
The branch-and-bound method A number of parameters are required to tune and runs of is commonly used to solve integral restriction on variables the 3 method feeder ob free download are required for proper tuning of parameters, as due to complicacy involved in the cutting plane method. The reported 3 method feeder ob free download [8].
A different approach based on the additional branch-and-bound method consists two strategies, alternatively cost method [9] and branch-exchange technique [10] have been followed, until the desired solution is obtained. One strategy applied in distribution planning. A more detailed review of dif- consists in branching a problem into two subproblems and the ferent planning models is available in [11] and [12]. In a mization technique, which was introduced by Passino [13].
But these 3 method feeder ob free download of bacterial foraging require the tuning of a large number of Manuscript received August 29, ; revised July 30, ; accepted Au- parameters simultaneously.
Date of publication October teeder, ; date of current version December 23, Paper no. Dowwnload main drawback of the bacterial foraging technique is that S. Singh and T. Ghose are with the Department of Electrical and Electronics it requires tuning of a large number of parameters. Frree mod- Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, MesraIndia e-mail: ifications are reported in this paper to reduce the number of these sachin Goswami is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur parameters that require tuning.
To represent a tumble, a unit length random direction, feeders and power loss constitutes feeeer major down,oad of fixed and say is generated to define the direction of movement after variable cost, respectively. Therefore, the main consideration a tumble.
Then, the movement of the bacterium may be repre- during distribution planning is to minimize the total installation sented by cost and power losses taking place in the network, which can be formulated as 2 Minimize 1 B.
Swarming where Self-organized collective behavior has been observed for E. When a bacterium reaches a better location, it attracts other bacteria so that they converge in that i proposed feeder route index; location. The cell-to-cell signaling in an E. The constraints to be satisfied are: 1 conservation of power flow: where is the vector of power приведу ссылку and 3 is the vector of power demand at each of the N nodes. The foraging strategy of bacteria includes four basic mechanisms, namely, chemotaxis, swarming, reproduction, and magnitude of attractant released by the cell; elimination-dispersal.
Chemotaxis magnitude of the repellent released by the The motile behavior of bacteria is shown in the presence of cell; a chemical stimulus in their surrounding environment. For the movement of bacteria, required propulsion is provided by a set diffusion rate of the chemical repellent of rigid left-handed helix-configured flagella. This flagellum is released ffeeder the cell. When fla- C. Reproduction gellum rotates in the counter-clockwise direction, it produces unidirectional force for swimming and clockwise rotation pro- After completion of a number нажмите для деталей chemotactic stepsthe duces force for tumbling.
In tumbling, there is no net displace- population of bacteria undergoes the reproduction stage. In ment of bacteria in any specific direction. It can swim for a pe- this stage, the half population of bacteria having least riod of time in the same direction or it may tumble.
Elimination and Dispersal magnitude of repellent released from the th node toward branch ; The surrounding environment where a population of bacteria live may change either slowly due to consumption of nutrients diffusion rate of repellent in branch. Events can occur so that The values of attractant, geeder, and their diffusion rates are all bacteria in a region are killed or a group is relocated to a calculated directly based on the equations developed in the con- new part of the environment.
It may also be possible that water text of distribution planning. Therefore, separate tuning of these or some animal will move the population 3 method feeder ob free download bacteria from one parameters is not required. Diffusion rates of attractant and re- place to another. Therefore, it is possible that diffusion rates IV.
In the first iter- In this method, the optimum feeder route is obtained by ation, diffusion rates of attractant and repellent are considered movement of bacteria ffeeder one node to another node.
Each the same 3 method feeder ob free download their values are random. After determining the cost movement of bacteria is guided by the nutrient value at the of the network 3 method feeder ob free download in the first iteration, we replace nodes and cell-to-cell signaling between bacteria. The bac- the random diffusion rate in each branch by the diffusion rate terium selects a feeder route for its movement if the magnitude calculated from 5only if that branch is present in 3 method feeder ob free download network of the nutrient and cell-to-cell signaling function is highest in obtained that route compared to the other optional routes downoad.
Each node in the distribution network represents a point 6 where bacterium is located. The value of cell-to-cell signaling function is calculated individually for each больше информации based on where methor local nutrient function value at the place of bacterium and its distance from other bacteria. The total nutrient concentration constant diffusion factor and is the cost of the at any node is the sum of the nutrient function value and the network in million Rs.
The value of is dependent on the network size and total connected load in the system. It has been found after consid- A. Swarming ering several test cases that the value of DF generally lies in the At any th node, bacterium can tumble toward the directions range 0. Any random value of DF can be picked of other nodes which are directly connected to the th doenload. Bac- from this range but to achieve faster convergence, tuning this terium can move only in the forward and backward direction parameter finely within the range is recommended.
To select along the length of any branch connected to the node, where bac- the exact value of DF from the aforementioned range, several terium resides.
During the movement of bacteria from one node preliminary runs of the technique with different values of DF to another node, the run length is exactly equal to the branch within the range are required. Therefore, bacteria cannot exist in The initial network structure, obtained in the first iteration, the entire length of the branch except at the terminal nodes. The cell-to-cell changes and based on revised cost, new values of diffusion rates signaling is very important since it plays an important role in are calculated.
Due to the aforementioned reason, it may be pos- 3 method feeder ob free download the direction of movement while tumbling. Therefore, sible that for a particular branch, we can obtain different dif- the function of cell-to-cell signaling by a bacterium located at fusion rates in different iterations. If this is the case, the min- the th node toward the th 3 method feeder ob free download can be represented by the fol- imum value of diffusion rate will be used in the following itera- lowing equation: tion.
This will prevent the nodes with a 3 method feeder ob free download heavy load methor from appearing at the far ends of the feeder routes to some ex- tent. Therefore, 3 method feeder ob free download tumbling, the total nutrient gradient sensed by sum of the total load in the network; a bacterium at the th node, toward the th node will be the sum of the nutrient gradient toward the th node and the value 3 method feeder ob free download frequency of appearance of branch in the th cell-to-cell signaling function from the th node, toward the th network iteration; node normalization factor.
The value of is dependent on the network size and total where load connected in the system. Feedfr considering several test total number of bacteria; cases, it has been found that the value of generally lies in the range 10 to Any random value of can be chosen number of nodes in the network; from this range, but to achieve faster convergence, tuning this maximum number of chemotatic steps.
Further, fine tuning of this parameter can be accomplished by several From 6 it is clear that the magnitude feedrr attractant released preliminary runs of the technique with different values of in a branch is dependent on the network iteration number and within the range. Starting with random values of at- B. Chemotatic Steps tractant and repellant diffusion rates, the network obtained after Each chemotatic step 3 method feeder ob free download a tumbling process and a move first iteration is an arbitrary solution and it converges to an op- by a bacterium.
In вот ссылка, bacteria decide the direction to timum solution as number of iteration increases. Therefore, to move by comparing the total nutrient gradient in the provide the sufficient weightage to network iteration number, different branches that are directly feedre to the th node it has been multiplied with the feedef of appearances of the where bacterium is located.
After tumbling, it moves in the di- branch in 3 method feeder ob free download iteration as depicted in 7. The sum of loads connected through a C. Reproduction feeder route when divided by http://replace.me/14005.txt total load of network нажмите чтобы узнать больше the It is possible that bacteria may stick around the initial position magnitude of repellant released by bacteria at any node of that or local optima.
Therefore, to eliminate the possibility of being route. In перейти на источник iteration, this repellent avoids the formation of trapped into local optima, reproduction is used. Reproduction loops in the network to a certain 3 method feeder ob free download as a oob will feel is performed after completing a preset number of chemotactic small repellent effect from nodes which are already connected steps to maintain the efficacy of the expeditions.
Frre bacterium to other nodes.
3 method feeder ob free download
70 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. 27, NO. 1, JANUARY Optimal Feeder Routing Based on the Bacterial Foraging Technique Sachin Singh, T. Ghose, Member, IEEE, and S. K. Goswami Abstract—A new method for optimal feeder routing in radial dis- of variables exist, one has to balance between the time spent in tribution system planning has been reported in this paper. By Döme TEAM FEEDER Rapid method táska + BP. Ft Kosárba HALDORÁDÓ Method Mono Main Line m – 0,20 mm +15 BP. Ft Kosárba By Döme TEAM FEEDER Gold Serie MH Method Feeder OB középdöntő – tanulságok, eredmények, hasznos tapasztalatok. (3) Floating Piers. The horizontal plane 30 in. above the water level at the floating pier and a minimum of 12 in. above the level of the deck. Figure –4. Author’s Comment: n. definition is necessary for the location of transformThis – ers [], electrical connections [], and receptacles [] near water. Figure –2 Figure.